Fri 21 May 2010

Spot teh difference

vorher nachher

Hab heute die Baseplate des µc³ RapMan gegen eine neue auszutauschen, was wie man sieht bitter nötig war. Nachdem wir vor 2 Wochen auch schon den Extruder gereinigt haben geht's jetzt ans neu Kalibrieren und dann wieder ans produktiv Drucken. \o/


Thu 04 March 2010

Easterhegg 2010

Nach zwei Tagen Vorbereitestress und 5 Minuten vor Beginn auf der Bühne fertig gestellten Folien hat der RepRap-Vortrag wie am Schnürchen geklappt. Sogar der RepMan hat trotz massivem Gezicke beim Testen nach dem Umzug in den Vortragsraum brav gedruckt, als es darauf ankam.


Das hasenförmiges Schnitzel gabs dann danach in der Weltwirtschaft :)


Wed 28 October 2009


I somehow managed to lost the key for the sliding door to my kitchen. It probably fell into a trash bag, which I sometimes hang on the knob of said door when they are full and ready to throw away.

Of course I have newer locked the door until now, but robbed of the possibility to do so, I was overcome by a sudden urge to be able to lock the if need should arise.

The boring way to get a new key, would probably have involved taking a picture of the lock, show it to a locksmith and hope to find a fitting key.

But since we have build a 3D-printer a couple of month ago and "missing" keys had been printed successfully already, I wanted to try to design and print a new kitchen key.

After measuring the dimensions of the keyhole I started designing the new key in HeeksCAD. After only 3 not so perfect key designs I managed to print a really nice looking, working, new key for my kitchen door.

Here you can see a progress of the design:


From left to right: First design in HeeksCAD | final design as .stl in HeeksCAD | Printpath preview in skeinforge with raft and support structure.

The printed keys:
